2022 Summit Reports

A Preliminary Report on the Global Earth Repair Summit By Michael Pilarski
Dear friends and colleagues in Earth repair,
The Global Earth Repair Summit was amazing! The Summit happened on 4 continents simultaneously. Wow! The insights and knowledge gained are phenomenal and we are just beginning.
We would like to report that we have assembled one of the most up-to-date and best compilations of solutions to the current world crises. They are contained in the 100 or so recordings generated at the summit. Mostly presentations but also group discussions. We were representative of the greater worldwide movement to restore ecosystem health and function, including rehydrating and cooling the planet. If we could replace three days of regular television programming with our Earth Repair recordings and put them on the TV sets of the world, the world would change. The solutions are staring us in the face. The path forward is clear. There is hope.
Everyone should listen to John D. Liu’s keynote address.
Open the sections below to read the program reports from around the world.
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Global Earth Repair Summit II
April 20-24, 2023
On-line and in locations around the world
In addition to our current four continental programs, we expect to see programs for Asia, Australia, and New Zealand at Summit II.
We are looking for volunteers and staff to tend to the many facets of the Global Earth Repair Summit. Including a big need for tech help. Also looking for people to join the funding committee.
Stay tuned to our website for continuing news on Summit I and II and our other activities.