
Thomas Goreau – Global Coral Alliance

Thomas Goreau was a warm and scientifically rich presence at the conference, he added much to discussion and his presentations were inspiring. The amount of work he and his team have put into studying coral is astounding. We’ve included an excerpt of his wikipedia page:

After studying in Jamaican primary and secondary schools, he earned degrees in planetary physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology, and in biogeochemistry at Harvard University (Ph.D.). With his parents he researched the coral reefs of Jamaica, and continues to conduct research on the impacts of global climate change, pollution, and new diseases in reefs all across the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. His current work focuses on coral reef restoration, fisheries restoration, shore line protection, renewable energy, community based coral reef management, mariculture, soil metabolism, and stabilization of global carbon dioxide.…

Here he talks coral, climate change, hydrology, transpiration, nutrients, and much more. Thank you, Thomas, and we hope to cross paths again soon! To support Thomas Goreau and the Global Coral Alliance, please visit To support Global Earth Repair in future conferences and current outreach, consider pledging at Interview and Video by Jeff Eichen (, Editing and Graphics by Brendan McNamara (