Global Earth Repair Action Plan – A Collaborative Action Plan for Planetary Regeneration
A few comments on the Action Plan.
1. We are in the process of identifying the best global plans put forward to date and their authors. Here are the world’s top thinkers on global restoration who will be participating in the Global Earth Repair Summit Oct. 21 – 24. Their combined presentations (and their publications) will help inform the Global Earth Repair Plan and can be used as resources.
- John D. Liu: Founder of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps movement
- Michal Kravcik, co-author of A New Water Paradigm: Water for the Recovery of the Climate, which emphasizes hydrologic cycles in addressing climate change.
- Zuzana Mulkerin, Water Holistic West and Kravcik’s associate will present on Kravcik & team’s thinking and Kravcik will join for Q&A.
- Rob de Laet, developer of the ”Seeding Hope with Water” plan.
- Dennis Garrity: Chair of the Board of the Global EverGreening Alliance, a partnership of nearly all of the major development and conservation organizations around the world, and former head of ICRAF (International Center for Research in Agroforestry.
- Peter Bruce-Iri, author of “How Plants Cool and Heal the Climate“.
- Stefan Schwarzer, Author of UNEP paper “Working with plants, soils and water to cool the climate and rehydrate Earth’s landscapes”. Organizer of an international online event “Climate Landscapes”, October18.-19, 2022.
- Ties van der Hoeven, Co-founder of The Weather Makers, a company which uses holistic engineering to create Watershed Wide Ecosystem Regeneration.
- Walter Jehne, an internationally known Australian soil microbiologist and climate scientist and the founder of Healthy Soils Australia.
- Judith Schwartz, Author of The Reindeer Chronicles, Cows Save the Planet and Water fin Plain Sight: Hope for a Thirsty World.
2. We will put up a questionnaire form on the Summit website where people can send in their proposals/ideas for the Action Plan. Everyone can contribute their action items. There will be a way for them to identify which part of the Plan that their proposal relates to: eg. ocean, Drylands, Tropics, Social, etc. and whether it is meant for local, regional, national or international scales. So we will be collecting input leading up the summit.
3. On the 4th day of the Summit (October 24), We will focus the participant’s attention on ideas for the Action Plan. Lots of ideas will come out of the small groups. This is also the day we want the above list of speakers to present their latest thoughts on the plans they have developed.
4. Between the Summit and COP27, we need a crash team to filter through the contributed ideas and organize them in some fashion. We are looking to organize them as a Pattern Language. The crash team (as a whole) also has to have familiarity with all the identified best plans mentioned above.
Out of all this we can put together a list of main factors. John Liu has suggested we put it into some sort of declaration. All the best plans will be listed as addendums, as well as all the proposals submitted
5. This can be presented to the world and disseminated through all our collaborating organizations. Some of our people can bring it to the civil society encampment outside of COP27.
6. UPDATED 10-30-2022: The Global Earth Repair Action Plan will soon be a living document on the web which can be built upon by people around the world. Our goal isn’t to edit the ideas but to organize them so that each local area can decide which parts of the plan they can utilize.
7. At our next Global Earth Repair Summit (perhaps as early as April 2023) we will go through a reiterative process to build on and expand the evolving Action Plan.
This can be a work in progress for many years.