EventsNewsSummit 2022Video

2022 Global Earth Repair Summit Recordings by Category

Here are the categories for the 66 recorded sessions from the North American and European Summit programs. Some sessions could have been put in several categories and some are hard to categorize. Nonetheless, it should help you decide which videos you might wish to watch first. The African and Latin American Programs are not categorized here since they had multiple presentations in each of their session recordings. See the end of this list for the link to their recordings.

In order of appearance:

Indigenous Leadership (10)
Nature Communication (7)
Climate Change & Regeneration (12)
Water in the Landscape (7)
Regenerative Agriculture/Soils (1)
Permaculture (5)
Agroforestry (4)
Networking the Movement (5)
Social (5)
Miscellaneous (6)


First Nations Caucus – Call for Indigenous Grand Ceremony
Ilarion Merculieff and other indigenous People

Three and a half hours of indigenous people talking among themselves about Earth repair, sharing prophecies and what humanity needs to do at this time. Ilarion Merculieff chaired the caucus.

Indigenous Teachings in Modern Society
Mindahi Bastida Muñoz

The Okanagan Worldview of Society – Earth Repair – Today and Into the Future
Jeannette Armstrong, Syilx Okanagan, is Associate Professor in Indigenous Studies and Canada Research Chair in Syilx Okanagan Philosophy at UBC Okanagan Campus.

The session will cover a Syilx Okanagan knowledge perspective on the critical importance of an “Indigenized” relationship to the lands we humans occupy and live in.In light of the climate crisis and its impacts, the paradigm shift that is required and is inevitable, requires a transformation of society through amplifying what could be termed an “Indigenist” movement.

Radical Obedience to Natural Law – an indigenous perspective
Catherine Murupaenga-Iken, Maori, Aoteoroa, (New Zealand)

So much environmental and social justice campaigning is focused on hard physical reality issues and world situations. However, ancient indigenous expert technical knowledge (triangulated with relatively new quantum physics and other Western sciences) tells us that the molecular world is a reflection of the underlying metaphysical reality from where all originates, and all is created. Healing the imbalances in our world requires urgent at-scale action at the metaphysical level. Concrete advice will be offered to amplify the utilization of indigenous expert knowledge that continues to be practiced, as well as complementing Faith-based and scientific efforts. The session will also call for greater and more coherent cooperation between all working on the metaphysical healing level – whether indigenous, Faith-based or scientific – including the revitalization and/or formalization of a Wisdom Keepers Global Network. Catherine is organizing the Pacific Indigenous Women’s Network.

Re-indigenize – The Roadmap to Paradise
Paul Cheokten Wagner, Saanich Nation, Protectors of the Salish Sea

Returning to the Heart, An Indigenous Perspective
Ilarion Merculieff, Unangan and Pacha K’anchay, Spokesperson for the Great National Council of Indigenous Elders in Colombia.

Report on Indigenous – led Earth Repair on Mindanao Island, The Philippines
Indigenous Leadership/Knowledge
Datu Lanelio T. Sangcoan

Feeding people and land repair at Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda
Marius Iragi Ziganira

African view – Earth repair at Grassroots level, continental civil society efforts and the interface
Precious Phiri

Dryland Solutions Project and Ecosystem Restoration Camp in Puntland, Somalia
Yasmin Mohamud


Working with Plant Consciousness for Earth Repair
Communicating with Nature
Pam Montgomery

At the core of our ecological crisis is our separation from Nature. For millennia we have evolved as a part of Nature. It has only been in the last few hundred years that we have gradually become separated from and more recently gone into a deep amnesia of our inherent belonging with Nature.

Meet our allied plants to regenerate our ecosystems [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Nathalie Frossard – Phytoki (France)

WORKSHOP (in French, with translation to English)

Plants are our allies, but we need to learn how to partner with them. In this workshop, you will experience what it is to communicate with a plant ally in order to regenerate an ecosystem. I will share with you some tips to create a lasting partnership with surrounding plants.

FR: Les plantes sont nos alliées, mais elles ont aussi besoin que nous apprenions à communiquer avec elles.Dans cet atelier, vous vivrez concrètement une expérience de communication avec une plante alliée, dans le but de régénérer un écosystème. Vous repartirez avec quelques pistes très simples pour établir un partenariat durable avec les plantes qui vous entourent, inspirées de messages reçus pour mes patients et des sages côtoyés lors de mes recherches. Lancez-vous avec joie dans cette aventure !

Reconnect, Reawaken, and Resolve – A Joyous Path Toward Healing Ourselves and our Earth
Susan Eirich

The wild animals are lonely for us. We may not realize it but we are lonely for them. We have become disconnected from each other. What if we enlarged our sense of community to truly include all living beings in our thinking and planning? What would be the state of our environment then? Reconnection Ecology offers a path to come back to our true place within an expanded community of all of Life. To solve our ecological and spiritual crises, human consciousness must expand to connect with all Life, with its multitudes of intelligences, and expressions of spirit.

Reinserting the Magic Back into the Land
Communicating with Nature
Mahala Frye

A short description of the land-clearing work I do and then leading the group in an experiential process.

The Earth Opens its Interdimensional Portals
Communicating with Nature
Marco Pogacnik

Land Spirit Communication
Communicating with Nature
Camilla Blossom

Awaken deeper awareness and communication with the spirits of Nature to restore, renew, and tend landscapes. Camilla will share stories of apprenticing with fairies and elementals and spirits of land and give you some tools and ways to attune to the magic of land through fostering sacred relationship and offering Land Alchemy practices.

Deepen Your Ecological Perception
Communicating with Nature
Rebecca Wildbear

Listening to the Earth can give us the most essential instructions of our life. We can regard nature as alive, engage in a direct conversation, share our most potent questions, feelings, and longings, and listen for a response. In this session, you will learn practices to seek her guidance about who you are called to be and learn more about who she is and what she needs. You will learn to become a reciprocal and participatory partner in her creation.


Keynote: The Moment for Mass Action to Restore the Earth is Now

John D. Liu of the Ecosystem Restoration Camps has traveled all around the world witnessing first-hand and advising the positive transformation of degraded ecosystems throughout the planet.

How Plants Cool and Heal the Climate – Finding Solutions Close to
Peter Bruce-Iri

Restoration of Natural Water Cycles and Climate – Act locally, think globally
Watershed Restoration, Rehydrating the Landscape
Zuska Mulkerin, Michal Kravčík

Co-hosting with Zuzka Mulkerin -Water management policies worldwide are typically based on the principle of what can be termed the “old water paradigm”. The result is a drying up of ecosystems. The recent historic drought in Europe (and other parts of the world) point to the fact that the situation is dire. As of October 4 of this year, the U.S. drought monitor warned that almost 50% of the U.S. territory was in drought. Climate restoration of the small water cycles of regional landscapes would reverse this situation and increase the biodiversity and production potential on all continents. This presentation will discuss how to work towards the goal of decreasing floods, drought, natural disasters, and other undesirable climate changes.

No Trees, No Rain
Anastassia Makarieva & Jan Pokorny

Climate scientists Anastassia Makarieva and Andrei Nefiodov of Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, botanist Jan Pokorny (co-author of theNew Water Paradigm), and regenerative reporter Hart Hagan talk on the importance of plants and water cycles in cooling the planet.Droughts and flash floods are becoming a new normal in our warmingworld. What changed? Our landscapes are losing water as people alter the environment, cut trees, drain wetlands, and use chemicals thatdestroy the soil.And we’re feeling the heat.Bylearning from nature we can improve the climate where we live. We canlearn from plants and trees which provide air conditioning for theEarth. They help drive the water cycle, tame damaging wind and rainstorms and even address giant heat islands over the Midwest and forestfires. This event isco-hosted by Biodiversity for a Livable Climate and GBH Forum Network. They kindly agreed to let us air their program during the Summit.

Restoration of Water Cycles in the Sinai Peninsula
Ties van der Hoeven interviewed by John D. Liu.

Geo-biomimicry – Restoring the metabolism of our living planet
Communicating with Nature
Rob de Laet

THE EARTH IS ALIVE! We need to reconnect and learn from and work with nature to understand how to enjoy the abundance that is given to us as a gift, in stead of destroying her health. We need a Copernican shift of our own role within that carefully woven web of life, designed over many millions of years of evolution to create the conditions beneficial to life. This body of the living planet is nurturing us every minute! Will we cure her fever, we call climate change, before it destroys us?

Carbon Sequestration Proposal for the World
Climate Restoration
Michael Pilarski

Overview of restoration jobs and labor needs to do global restoration. Main ways to sequester carbon. Restoration as one of the main engines of the economy. Creating real wealth.

We need a nationwide system of protection of the Biosphere – a Declaration of Practical Actions
Watershed Restoration, Rehydrating the Landscape
Bulat Yessekin,
Senior expert on water, environment and climate change in Central Asia

Earth Repair activities in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Russia, and an introduction to a Declaration On Actions to Preserve the Biosphere- the Global Ecosystem of the Earth.We call for declaring the task of preserving the Biosphere – the global ecosystem of the Earth – an urgent and common task of all humanity, all countries, regardless of their relations and differences. To transform existing management models for this purpose and create, on the basis of current fragmentary programs, a global system for the conservation of the Biosphere.

Climate Restoration – The Only Future That Will Sustain Humanity
Peter Fiekowsky

Peter Fiekowsky’ book Climate Restoration was published this year. What is it? Why is it important? How will it be done? What can I do?

Repair to Healing – Making Earth Whole
Vandana Shiva interviewed by Aude Peronne

An interview with Vandana Shiva on moving from a perspective of Repair to one of Healing and Care for the Earth. Vandana discusses moving away from a mechanistic worldview and how to overcome exploitation and patriarchy.

Restoring Water and Soils in Arid Australia
Walter Jehne

This session was part of a Drylands Permauture Course in October 2021 but was included here with Jehne’s permission since he couldn’t attend the Summit but wanted to contribute to it. Walter is making key contributions to our understanding of how to re-green degraded lands. the phenomenon of the biotic pump, the natural hydrological cycle, and climate regulation.

Restoring Scotland’s Forests
Alan Watson Fetherstone


Repairing the Earth in times of water scarcity [EUROPE PROGRAM]
An Ecosystem Restoration Camps Symposium organized by the ERC as part of the Summit.
Patrick Worms, Rhamis Kent, Amy Scanes-Wolfe, Maged El Said

Ecosystem Restoration Camps PANEL

Rhamis Kent – Agroecological Natural Technology Solutions
Patrick Worms – World Agroforestry Centre
Amy Scanes-Wolfe – Drylands Agroecology Research Foundation
Maged El Said – Habiba Organic Farm & Community, Sinai, Egypt

See inspiring, on-the-ground examples from some of the camps where the use of drought resistant plants is helping to restore the natural water function, to restore the water cycle and increase soil fertility.

The Global State of Water
Zachary Weiss

Zachary Weiss is a well-established world-traveled water wizard whose business is to literally create riparian ecosystems for individuals and organizations all over.

Community-led Management of Floods and Droughts. Earth Repair – A Cycle of Care – Watershed Restoration, Rehydrating the Landscape
Minni Jain

Earth Repair requires love and care for nature and our landscape. Bringing real community led examples of regeneration and rejuvenation of local landscapes by local communities, Minni will discuss how communities in Africa and India are repairing their degraded landscapes, soils and livelihoods through care for their local water cycles.

Deference to the Experts – Partnering with Beavers for Water Security and Climate Resiliency
Watershed Restoration, Rehydrating the Landscape
Jakob Shockey

How humans can partner with beavers for habitat resiliency and water security. The plants and animals of the northern hemisphere have co-evolved with beavers managing water for thousands of years. All other life that requires a wetland, stream, river, pond, or lake during their life cycle, evolved to those freshwater systems under beaver management. This long-standing role of beavers as ecosystem engineers is what the fish, frogs, birds, turtles, elk and insects came to expect and rely on—it is little wonder that we see these animals struggling to adapt to the change in management when humans took over. Land under beaver management has value to society as an evolved and resilient ecosystem that sequesters carbon, stores water, reduces the risk from wildfire, and facilitates habitat.

Stream restoration in British Columbia, Canada
Gregoire Lamoureux


Growing Life – Regenerating Farming and Ranching
Andre Leu

PERMACULTURE (5 sessions)

Permaculture for Refugees [EUROPE PROGRAM]
osemary Morrow – Permaculture for Refugees (Australia)
Eunice Neves – Guilda Permaculture (Portugal)

Rosemary will share recent developments with the “Permaculture for Refugees” project, explaining how this initiative is helping many of those living and fleeing crisis zones around the globe. Eunice brings fresh news of the pilot project in Portugal that is designed to receive and train refugees and has recently been expanded to other national contexts.

What is a weed? A permaculture perspective
David Holmgren, Co-founder of Permaculture.

David Holmgren offers a much-needed alternative perspective on invasive species and the best practices for their management based on a holistic, permaculture-inspired framework. Utilizing the latest research and thinking on the changing nature of ecological systems, Holmgren closely examines the factors that are largely missing from the common conceptions of invasive species, including how the colliding effects of climate change, habitat destruction, and changes in land use and management contribute to their proliferation.

Building a Permaculture Land Trust
Gloria Flora

Present and discuss the concepts and mechanisms behind preserving permaculture farms, forests and gardens across generations.

Edge Perma – a new era of online education
Andrew Tuttle & Mary Marshall

Using drones and virtual reality in permaculture design and regenerative farm education. Learn about new tools and software designers and instructors can use to enhance design work and educational curriculum.

Territories for All Peoples [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Sheila Darmos- Regenerative Farming Greece (Greece)
Igor Louboff – La Coop de Territoires (France)
Rakesh Rootsman Rak – Roots n Permaculture (UK)

TALK #1:Sheila Darmos – The regenerative movement in Greece, challenges, approaches and opportunities and its relation to other countries.

TALK #2:Igor Louboff – Creating bridges between cities and rural areas La Coop des Territoires is a local cooperative which has been working over the past 3 years to create bridges between cities and a rural area in Normandy, France. Since then, over 50 people have settled in nearby villages, working on projects aimed at taking better care of the earth, its biodiversity and its inhabitants, one hectare and one person at a time.

TALK #3:Rakesh Rootsman Rak – Permaculture tools in urban & marginalized contexts

AGROFORESTRY (4 sessions)

Agroforestry, Perennials and Regenerative Agriculture
Penny Livingston

Agroforestry and Perennial Polyculture systems are the foundation of Regenerative Agriculture. They serve a the key to building soil, conserving water, supporting healthy fungus, developing habitat and sequestering atmospheric carbon Plant selection and design examples for humid tropics, dryland subtropics and temperate climates.

Bees, Biodiversity & Mediterranean Agroforestry [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Sonne Copjin – Bee Foundation (The Netherlands)
Giuseppe Sannicandro – Regen (Italy)

Food Forest as a Tool for Global Earth Repair [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Rakesh Rootsan Rak Roots n Permaculture (UK)

What is a food forest? Why it is good for the planet? Why is it good for humans?

1000 Tree Project In Shrub-Steppe Eastern Washington with Irrigation
Sam Albright & Em Froth


The Big Map of Eco-Restoration Projects Around the Globe
Jon Schull

Global EverGreening Alliance; Plans for Global Restoration
Dennis Garrity

UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Natalia Алексеева

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. It can help to end poverty, combat climate change and prevent a mass extinction. It will only succeed if everyone plays a part.

Role of Festivals & Festival Culture in Ecological Restoration
Misha Teasdale, Brock Pollock

Eco-Restoration Pattern Language – A Participatory Tool for Developing an Action Plan
Alpha Lo

SOCIAL SYSTEMS (5 sessions)

Youth-guided Earth Repair Actionable Plans [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Melany Zarate – Racial Justice Network (Colombia & UK)
Auba Riera – Jóvenes en Permacultura (Mallorca)
Matteo Zampatti – Relearn Suderbyn (Italy)
Shanti Macnamara – Applewood Permaculture Centre (UK)
Storyteller: Maartje Brinkman – NextGen Netherlands (The Netherlands)

SHARINGS from Youth Voices in Europe: Melany, Auba, Matteo and Shanti

Re-Engineering of the Being & Regenerative Education [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Tierra Martinez & Beatriz Ramirez – Instituto Permacultura Ná Lu’um (Argentina & Mexico)

WORKSHOP (in Spanish, with translation to English) Tierra Martinez and Betty Ramirez will travel through the importance of establishing a personal design process within the design process of any project. The understanding as clients and as designers of the importance of this process is fundamental if the project we are undertaking is to be carried out effectively. An invitation to take a step towards something not often encouraged within the world of permaculture and regenerative work. The use of the foundations, principles and methods of design to achieve our deepest dreams. Re-Generation, Fantasy Recovery, Inner Being, My Purpose in Life.

Climate Design [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Daniel Mello-Mattos – Ecotopias Institute (Portugal & Brasil)

This session will be in English with Spanish and Portuguese translation. Climate Design is about taking responsibility for our societal doings, for our way to do things on earth and climate, which is actually Design, but now in a more proper way. Take consciousness on the path we are choosing to, deliberately or not, manage the planet, the climate, the soil and all the integrated consequences to society. Climate Design is, therefore, a socio-environmental technology that leads to diagnose and design continents and atmospheric circulation relationship.

Design Web and how it helps design effective pathways towards Earth Repair [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Looby Macnamara – Applewood Permaculture Centre (UK)

Discover the Design Web and how we can use it to design effective pathways towards Earth Repair. Join Looby Macnamara co-founder of Cultural Emergence and creator of the Design Web to find ways in which we can attend to creating a positive regenerative culture that will enable Earth restoration.Allow Culture to Emerge throughout and Sustain the earth repair paths. As Looby says, this is “one part common sense, one part design and one part magic”.

Creating A Preferred Future
Social Justice
Jan Spencer

This session will take a short critical look at the consumer culture and then focus on allies, assets and actions.What are the initiatives and who can we work with to create alternatives to capitalism and the consumer culture.We will see what can be done in suburbia to reduce eco footprints and build community.We will see examples of urban restoration. We will learn what different cities in the US and Europe are doing to push back against cars.

MISCELLANEOUS (6 sessions)

Nature Based Solutions for Architecture & Construction Projects
Moein Nodehi

After 3.8 billion years of research and development, nature has developed some of the most advanced solutions to sustain life on Earth, which we can now implement in our buildings & cities. By making Nature Based Solutions become a fundamental part of how buildings operate, we can transform our buildings & cities to have an ecological role and become conducive to all life. Designing houses to catch water and heating and cooling without outside energy.

Seeds, people and love in action [EUROPE PROGRAM]
Adina Moise – Asociaţia România În Tranziţie (Romania)

Adina will talk about love for seeds, earth care, and people care. A short storytelling about a community seed bank and its seed garden, near Bucharest, Romania.What if the only thing we have to do in order to live in that beautiful world we long for is to restore our love in our hearts?!

Biosphere Free and Beyond – How Living in Space can be Part of the same Project as Healing the Earth
Ben Sibelman

An unconference session with Ben Sibelman.

Milling wood with just a chainsaw
Colin Sternagel

There are many devices on the market for the purpose of milling wood into dimensional lumber. They range in the many of thousands of dollars to $100. For many small projects of leaving the wood in the round is not desired then this simple method allows you to use just your chainsaw to cut a log in half or a flat on one edge.

Restoring the Earth with Regenerative Sanitation
Nik Bertulis Luc & Cindy Lendrum

Engineering and ecology of human nutrient cycling at a planetary scale.

Eco Hope & Optimism – Art, Comedy & Solar Punk Panel
Ben Sibelman

An unconference collaborative session on art, comedy, and solar punk.

African Program Recordings
(scroll down about 2/3 of the way)

Latin America Recordings (en español)
(scroll down to close to the end)