Partnering with the Global EverGreening Alliance
We are excited to announce a collaboration with the The Global EverGreening Alliance to implement large-scale land restoration programs. This partnership will focus on combating the negative impacts of land degradation, such as reduced food production, diminished climate resilience, loss of biodiversity, and threats to millions of livelihoods.
Land degradation stems from deforestation, poor grazing management, groundwater overdraft, inappropriate tillage practices, soil nutrient depletion, and adverse climatic conditions. To address these challenges, the Alliance advocates for “EverGreen Agriculture,” a regenerative farming approach that integrates trees into crop and livestock production systems.
EverGreening practices offer transformative, affordable, and accessible science-based solutions for restoring cropland and rangelands. These methods not only address chronic food insecurity and rural poverty but also enable agriculture to adapt to and mitigate climate change on a globally significant scale. By joining forces, the Global EverGreening Alliance and the Global Earth Repair Foundation aim to foster collaboration, learning, sharing, and harmonization across institutions, sectors, and borders to achieve a greener, more resilient world.
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