
Heather Trim – Zero Waste Washington

Business-Organization: Zero Waste Washington

Heather has more than 25 years of experience in environmental work. Heather joined Zero Waste Washington as Executive Director at the end of 2016 and has been ramping up programs to reduce upstream sources of waste, get toxic chemicals out of products, reduce plastic pollution, all building on the organization’s signature producer responsibility policy initiatives.

Previously, at Futurewise (for four years) she worked to prevent runoff from entering our waterways, improve shoreline management practices and policies and address a range of issues from community sustainability, habitats, and climate change. Heather was at People for Puget Sound for over ten years where she focused on protections for the marine environment. Earlier, she was staff scientist for the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council focusing on various projects leading to the greening of the rivers, including water quality, stormwater issues, pollution assessments and habitat renewal. She also worked for the Regional Water Quality Control Board on water quality standards, regulatory permits, and pollution assessments of both surface and ground water for Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.

Heather has extensive experience in technical and science aspects of environmental policy. She has conducted education and outreach for over 20 years, ranging from community science projects to K-12 education and creative outreach projects. As part of the grass roots group, Zero Waste Seattle, she was a leader in the Seattle bag campaign and helped lead the advocacy effort for Seattle’s food serviceware, phone book opt-out, and commercial building recycling/compost ordinances.

816 2nd Ave, Suite 200
Seattle, WA 98104


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Workshop 1: Plastic Pollution: Taking Action

Presentation (could be a panel) about the extent of the plastic pollution problem in the Salish Sea and our oceans and solutions that we are undertaking in Washington State. This workshop description is in development, please check back.