
Solving the Climate Crisis by Allying with Nature Itself

Here are the solutions to our climate crises in a nutshell:

* Greatly increase the percentage of the planet’s surface that is green and covered with vegetation. 

* Concomitantly, this reduces the percentage of the planet’s surface that is bare and creating “heat island” effects. 

* Hold more water in the landscape. This reduces floods and droughts and makes it possible to increase vegetation. 

* Use regenerative agriculture to maximize carbon/organic matter in soils to sequester carbon, hold more water and increase food production.

* Convert a large proportion of the world’s tilled farmland to agroforestry and permaculture polycultures. Somewhere on the order of 25 to 30% would be significant. This would reduce bare ground, cool both local (and global) climates and produce higher yields. It would require less machines and increase more livelihoods for people.

* Increased transpiration from increased vegetation generates more clouds, which reflect sunlight and cools the planet.

* Increased vegetation and forests create more biological, rain-condensing nuclei.

* Foster the growth of plankton and seaweed in the oceans to sequester carbon, produce oxygen, produce biological, rain-condensing nuclei and feed the oceanic web of life.

* An abundance of biological, rain-condensing nuclei in the atmosphere means that precipitation happens easier and there are less, intense downpours. 

* The “biotic pump” mechanism of forests brings more water into the dryer interiors of continents.

* More water held on/in the land (and in biomass) means that sea levels drop.

* Heat released when precipitation happens is the main mechanism that the Earth uses to cool herself. 

* Less of the Earth will be dry as rainfall increases.

 * The increased precipitation (with less downpours) will lead to the Earth cooling itself.  Thus there will be less need for big storms.

* Humanity can live in harmony with nature in a pleasant inter-glacial climate and be surrounded by plenty and beauty for all people and all species.

* These are the kinds of things we will talk about at the Global Earth Repair Conference & Festival.