CommunitySummit 2022

2022 Summit Collaborators

Here is the list of organizations that officially collaborated with the Global Earth Repair Foundation to successfully host the 2022 Summit:

Abundant Earth FoundationAbundant Earth Foundation
Hawaii, United States
Facebook Page
Alaska Institute for Climate & Energy
United States
Andalusia, Spain
CIFOR-ICRAFCenter for International Forestry Research
India, Global
Climate Action Tai Tokerau (Northland)
New Zealand
Community Resiliency Project
Washington, USA
Dry Land SolutionsDry-land Solutions, Puntland
Somalia, Africa
EcoRestoration AllianceEcoRestoration Alliance
United States
Ecosystem Restoration Camps
Ecosystem Restoration Camps
Manitou FoundationEcosystem Restoration Corps, Manitou Foundation
Colorado, United States
EcotopiasEcotopias Institute
EnvisionationEnvisionation, Ltd.
Gaia UniversityGaia University
Mexico, UK, International
Global Earth Repair FoundationGlobal Earth Repair Foundation
United States
Grow PermacultureGrow Permaculture
Florida, United States
Koreen Brennan
Hotlum Ecosystem Restoration Camp
California, United States
Human Nature ProjectsHuman Nature Projects
Uganda, Africa
Permaculture CoLab
International Permaculture CoLab
Jenga /UMOJA Project, Nakivale Refugee Camp
Uganda, Africa
Kootenay Permaculture
British Columbia, Canada
Website | Facebook
Open Future CoalitionOpen Future Coalition
United States
Permaculture Institute of North AmericaPermaculture Institute of North America
United States
Protectors of the Salish SeaProtectors of the Salish Sea
Washington, United States
Regeneration InternationalRegeneration International
Sustainable Obtainable Solutions
Washington, United States
The Source Directory
Northern California, United States
Trees for LifeTrees for Life
Findhorn, Scotland
Tribes and Natures DefendersTribes and Nature’s Defenders
Wisdom Weavers of the WorldWisdom Weavers
Alaska, United States

Original Collaborators page:

Most of the links no longer work here, but we’ve kept this part of the original page for the record.

Bringing together a large number of global, diverse, restoration practitioners; for networking, action planning, and to scale up local efforts.

Here is your invitation to participate in this online global event!

Join us in collaboration as we build a 4-day international civil-society event focused on ecosystem restoration: A step on the path to a beautiful, healthy, biodiverse planet. 

Click here for an overview of the event

How would you like to participate?

There are various levels of collaboration possible. From co-organizing or co-sponsoring the Summit, to presenting a workshop, or supporting our outreach. We seek to involve (and serve) individuals working on change at the grassroots level, civil society organizations, and independent NGOs. We are seeking input on how to build equity, diversity and heart into the Summit. 

Successional Phases

If you would  like to be involved, you can join in during whichever phase you’d like.

Phase 1: Planning – April 26, 2022
Click here for a report from the first meeting with collaborators.

Phase 2: Planning and Networking
June 25. Online. 7:00-9:00am Pacific Time. Please RSVP here. We’ll continue program planning, expand international collaboration, explore global scheduling options, brainstorm for presenters, and begin to develop action planning groups.

Phase 3: Test Run and Action Planning
August, Dates tbd. 2 days. Online.
We’ll test run our programming and jump-start action planning groups.

Phase 4: Full Summit Event
October 21-23: Online.
Networking, sharing practical information, drafting a global action plan.

** A followup gathering is scheduled for October 24 for those who want to network further and take a significant role in the Action Plan. **

Collaborators (as of May 16, 2022)

Please let us know if we’ve missed you on this list!

Yasmin Mohamud, Dry-land Solutions, Puntland, Somalia
Marius Ziganari, Jenga Project, Nakivale Refugee Camp, Uganda
Kwame Owusu Agroforestry teacher, Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana
Jonathan Kabat, Hotlum Ecosystem Restoration Camp, California
John D. Liu, Ecosystem Restoration Camps
Jim O’Donnell, Austin, Texas, USA
International Permaculture CoLab
Heather Patterson
Hanne Strong, Manitou Foundation, Colorado, USA
Gui Tiezzi, Farm of the Future, Caseara, Tocantins, Brazil
Gaia University
Frank Sanborn, Community Resiliency Project, Seattle, USA
EcoRestoration Alliance
Ecosystem Restoration Corps/Manitou Foundation
Ecosystem Restoration Camps, USA
Ecosystem Restoration Camps Foundation
David Kupfer, freelance environmental writer, California and Mexico, USA
Cristina Pianca, Ecosystem Restoration Camps, Jordan and Portugal
Alan Watson Featherstone, Trees for Life, Findhorn, Scotland

Collaborators Planning to Join US

Ronald Kaboye, Kampala – Uganda
Pieter van der Gaag, Ecosystem Restoration Camps, Netherlands
Mazin Qumsiyeh. Palestine Institute for Biodiversity & Sustainability, Palestine
Koreen Brennan, Grow Permaculture, Florida
Gloria Flora, Permaculture Institute of North America
Ercilia Sahores, Regeneration International, Mexico
Chandrashekhar Biradar, (CIFOR-ICRAF), New Delhi, India
Analuisa Anjos, Dos Anjos Production, Manitou Foundation, New York and Brazil

Global Earth Repair Foundation Staff

 Michael Pilarski
Christina Ballew
Brendan McNamara
Aimee Samara
Mahala Frye
Lindsey Swope
Sylvia Platt

If you have questions, please feel free to contact:
Michael Pilarski, Director, Global Earth Repair Foundation
[email protected]  360-643-9178