Dr. Chris Reij
Sustainable Land Management – Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dr. Reij was honored by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) as “Global Drylands Champion” in 2013.
An ardent supporter of the work of the Global Restoration Initiative, he has worked in Africa since 1978. Although Chris has maintained a focus on the West African Sahel, he has also been involved in numerous studies and consultancies in other parts of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. He is currently a Sustainable Land Management specialist and a “Senior Fellow” of the World Resources Institute in Washington, DC.
This 9-minute film takes the viewer on a fantastic tour of thriving communities in southern Niger, which are right on the edge of the Sahara Desert. Yet growing in the sandy soil are an abundance of vegetables, cereal crops, and beautiful trees:
“Re-greening in Niger, A road trip with Dr Chris Reij” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBv7_K0PtZo
You may also visit: http://africa-regreening.blogspot.com/ to view more of his active works.