Funding the Global Earth Repair Conference and Earth Regeneration!
* Donors. Donors are sought who would like to enable the Global Earth Repair Conference to be a beacon of light for planetary regeneration solutions. Donors may, or may not, want public recognition. Our goal is $100.000 in funding.
* Sponsorships. We will have various levels of sponsorships with according perks. To apply to be a sponsor click here.
* We will run a crowd funder.
* Collaborating organizations will contribute funds and/or in-kind help.
* Michael Pilarski has a Botanical Book Sale on December 14 and the proceeds will go to the Conference.
* We will sell tickets to the event and charge for accommodations and meals for those who wish them. There will be a large camp-out component.
The two main reasons we need conference funding from donors are:
* To pay travel costs for key people including indigenous people. This will be an international conference.
* To fund the on-line portion of the event. We will need tech equipment and staff to involve an international audience who can’t get there in person. How to bring experts from far away into a room with in-person delegates to discuss planning and science. + We will also be raising funds to publicize and enable the Global Action Plan which comes out of the conference.
* Bring together many of the world’s leading people working on planetary regeneration and climate solutions to synthecize their findings and move the science forward.
* Create a global plan of action for regenerating the planets ecosystems and stabilizing the climate. Our goal is the best and most detailed plan developed thus far.
* Publicize this plan far & wide.
* Enable many more people to become aware of these solutions.
* Inspire masses of people to go into action to implement the solutions.
* More people demand that governments support this implementation.
* Indigenous wisdom is woven into the event and traditional knowledge informs our solutions.
* The collaborations developed at the conference continue and strengthen afterwards.
* More people see themselves as part of a global movement. The movement becomes more aware of itself. More people become aware of the movement.
* Have a really good time at the Festival, celebrating our global movement, celebrating our friendships and camaraderie and celebrating the advancement of our knowledge and wisdom on how to get the job done.
Funding Ongoing Earth Repair – The Earth Regeneration Fund
Going forward from this conference, we will be using proceeds from the conference itself as well as ongoing fundraising in a dedicated way to assist grassroots efforts in the fields of indigenous land management, regenerative agriculture, community watershed actions and aquifer recharge, the list goes on. So everything we raise here, there and everywhere will be going not only to put on the best event possible, it will literally be put into the ground and into empowering healthy stewardship practices, restoring the ecosystem, and cooling the planet! For more information on this concept of the Earth Regeneration Fund, check out this blog post about it from one of our core collaborators, Joe Brewer.
Donate to the Global Earth Repair Conference (and Ongoing Earth Regeneration Efforts)
So without further ado, if you care about these efforts and you have dollars to donate, please use the button below – we will be honoring large donors ($100 or more) in our sponsorship page when we develop it, so please let us know if you want to be recognized in this way. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, click here to apply. Besides that, every little bit helps in this great effort: