Presenters at the Global Earth Repair Convergence
Important Note: The Global Earth Repair Convergence scheduled for May 9-13, 2025 is being postponed to a later date. Stay tuned for further updates. Please, do not buy transportation tickets or book rooms until further notice!!
Here are the first 63 people who have agreed to present (as of December 29, 2024). This list is just the beginning. Bear with us while we get everyone’s bios, photos, links and affiliations on the website. Our goal is to involve 1,000 people in person and many more online. Have you done amazing works for the Earth, that you’d like to share with our attendees and delegates? Click here to apply as a presenter!

Owen Allen
Umoja Community Foundation – Uganda, Africa and Australia
Owen Allen’s Phoenix Functions spans leadership in refugee eco-agriculture, inclusive dance, physiotherapy innovation, climate restoration, and mentorship. A founding SARRAH member, he has advanced rural health and performing arts care while shaping impactful community solutions globally. – LinkedIn

Helen Atthowe
Author, The Ecological Farm. – Montana, USA, North America
Helen Atthowe has spent 35 years advancing ecological farming and conservation. She is transitioning her methods from Woodleaf Farm in Oregon to a new no-till orchard in Montana while mentoring the farm’s new owners. A pioneer in pesticide-free fruit production, she has conducted research on sustainable farming practices and contributed to organic gardening publications. – Chelsea Green Publishing Profile

Marc Barasch
Green World Campaign – Washington, USA, North America
Marc Ian Barasch, bestselling author, filmmaker and founder of the Green World Campaign, leads bold efforts to restore degraded lands, combat climate change, and uplift rural communities through methods like agroforestry and reforestation. His presentation will feature a conversation with the director of GWC’s program in Kenya, highlighting grassroots solutions that connect ecological restoration with global impact.

Ugo Bardi
University of Florence – Italy, Europe
Ugo Bardi, professor of physical chemistry at the University of Florence, researches energy resources, sustainability, and environmental limits. A Club of Rome member and ASPO Italy co-founder, he authored The Limits to Growth Revisited and Extracted. – Wikipedia, Resilience.org

Phoebe Barnard
Global Restoration Collaborative –Washington, USA, North America
Phoebe Barnard has led national biodiversity and climate programs, published over 100 works, and supports global conservation through her company, Biodiversity Strategy. She holds advanced degrees in biology and has received multiple awards for her contributions to environmental science and policy. – Website

Jay Bowen, tsi sq̓ʷal?alq̓ʷal
Upper Skagit Tribe – Washington, USA, North America
Jay is an multi-talented artist, healer and Indigenous cultural bridge for the Upper Skagit Tribe. He is known for telling traditional stories of his culture through interpretive methods such as art. Co-authoring Earth at Risk, and warning about ecological crises if humanity doesn’t change its ways, he is committed to setting our global culture on an eco-positive course and appeared in the film The Climate Restorers by Phoebe Barnard and John Bowey. – Website

Joe Brewer
Design School for Regenerating Earth – Colombia, South America
Joe Brewer, based in Barichara, Colombia, is an Earth regeneration designer leading the restoration of a 500,000-hectare landscape. He co-founded Fundación Barichara Regenerativa, the Design School for Regenerating Earth, and authored The Design Pathway for Regenerating Earth. Brewer also advises global bioregional regeneration efforts. – Medium.com, Website

Peter Bruce-Iri
Author, Tai Tokerau Climate Project – New Zealand
Peter Bruce, a Northland-based researcher and educator, specializes in sustainability, stakeholder engagement, and regenerative food systems. He has led significant research projects, authored Better Business for a Better World, and developed innovative elearning methods. Passionate about community-focused solutions, Peter combines teaching, research, and advocacy to promote sustainable development. – Website

Warren Brush
Resilience Design Co-Developer, Quail Springs Permaculture – California, USA, North America
Warren Brush, a Permaculture designer and educator, has over 25 years of experience promoting sustainable living. Co-founder of Quail Springs Permaculture and other initiatives, he mentors diverse communities globally, including youth and indigenous peoples. He teaches a wide range of courses on Permaculture, ecological restoration, and sustainable systems design. – Quail Springs Permaculture, Permaculturedesign.us

Robert L. Bugg
Mountain Agrobiodiversity Project – California, USA, North America
Dr. Robert L. Bugg, Ph.D., is a consulting biologist and director of the Mountain Agrobiodiversity Project, specializing in sustainable agriculture, including cover cropping, hedgerow design, and ecological soil management. With 55 scientific publications and extensive global experience, he has pioneered biologically integrated farming systems and agricultural pollution reduction projects. Dr. Bugg earned his Ph.D. in Entomology from U.C. Davis. – LinkedIn

Stuart Cowan
Director, Buckminster Fuller Institute – California, USA, North America
Dr. Stuart Cowan, Executive Director of the Buckminster Fuller Institute, has 25 years of experience in regenerative design, systems thinking, and sustainable finance. Co-founder of Autopoiesis LLC, he has led the Regenerative Communities Network and held roles at Smart Cities Council and Ecotrust. Co-author of Ecological Design, he holds a doctorate in Applied Mathematics from U.C. Berkeley. – LinkedIn, Website

Robert Dash
Robert Dash Photography – Washington, USA, North America
Robert Dash, an award-winning photographer, author, and science educator, uses scanning electron microscopy to reveal the hidden beauty of food, seeds, and pollen, highlighting their climate and biodiversity stories. In his workshop, Art as a Doorway to Regenerative Agriculture, Dash explores how awe and wonder through art can inspire curiosity and support regenerative practices for global earth repair. – Website

Brock Dolman
Occidental Arts and Ecology Center – California, USA, North America
Brock Dolman, co-director of the WATER Institute, is a restoration ecologist and educator specializing in watershed regeneration and ecological literacy. A global consultant and TEDx speaker, he promotes solutions like “Conservation Hydrology” to foster resilient communities and ecosystems. – Website

Elizabeth Dunne
Earth Law Center – Washington, USA, North America
Elizabeth M. Dunne, Esq., is a leading Earth Law expert with 20 years of experience advancing Rights of Nature laws and landmark ecosystem cases. Her advocacy, featured in Invisible Hand and Last Stand: Saving the Elwha River’s Legacy Forests, focuses on systemic legal change and forest conservation. – Website

David Ellison
University of Bern, Sustainable Land Management – Switzerland, Europe
David Ellison, a researcher and consultant, focuses on forests, water, and climate policy, working with institutions like the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Ellison Consulting. He contributes to global climate initiatives, exploring forest-water interactions and sustainable development, including a project on resilience in the Sahel. Widely published, Ellison’s work informs policy and addresses critical environmental challenges. – Website

Maya Elson
CoRenewal – California, USA, North America
Maya Elson, a guest instructor at UC Santa Cruz and MS student at San Jose State, explores the interplay of fire, fungi, and humans for ecological regeneration. As a co-founder of Radical Mycology and founder of MycoPsychology Experiences, they focus on fungal bioremediation for wildfire resilience, addressing issues like toxic ash and ecosystem recovery. Maya’s participatory workshop highlights using fungal inoculants in land stewardship and contributing to community science initiatives. – Website

Peter Fiekowsky
Foundation for Climate Restoration – California, USA, North America
Peter Fiekowsky, an MIT-educated physicist and entrepreneur, is dedicated to restoring a thriving climate for future generations. Founder of the Foundation for Climate Restoration, he works with scientists and policymakers to advance scalable solutions like methane reduction. With 30 years of advocacy experience, he continues to drive innovation for environmental restoration. – Website

Ananda Fitzsimmons
Regenerate Canada – Canada, North America
Ananda Fitzsimmons is an advocate for soil and water, president of Regeneration Canada, and vice president of the EcoRestoration Alliance. She founded Concentric Agriculture, producing microbial soil amendments, and authored Hydrate the Earth and Restoring the Pillars of Life, promoting regenerative solutions for climate resilience. – LinkedIn

Stephen A. Gomes
Co-Founder, Kinship Earth – Oregon, USA, North America
Stephen Gomes, Founder and President of Gomes & Company, brings a diverse background shaped by his service in the U.S. Peace Corps in Brazil and work across 108 countries. As an entrepreneur, MBA professor, and advisor, he specializes in start-ups, technology commercialization, Indigenous relations, decentralized organizations, and regenerative systems. Stephen is also a blockchain and cryptocurrency enthusiast, with a focus on fostering innovation and sustainable ventures. – Website, LinkedIn

Thomas Goreau
Global Coral Reef Alliance – Massachusetts, USA, North America
Dr. Tom Goreau, President of the Global Coral Reef Alliance, is a coral reef and climate expert with over 200 publications and pioneering restoration technologies. Educated at MIT, Caltech, and Harvard, he collaborates globally to restore coral reefs, fisheries, and ecosystems, contributing to UN climate initiatives. – Website

Rachel Heaton
Mazaska Talks – Washington, USA, North America
Rachel Heaton, a Muckleshoot Tribe member and activist, co-founded Mazaska Talks, an Indigenous-led organization promoting divestment from banks funding fossil fuel projects and human rights abuses. Originating from Seattle’s campaign to divest from Wells Fargo, Mazaska Talks serves as a resource hub for individuals and cities nationwide seeking to align finances with environmental and social justice values. – Website

Penny Heiple
Design School for Regenerating Earth – Colombia, South America
Penny Heiple, co-founder of the Design School for Regenerating Earth, leads operations and community building while hosting the Inner Space for personal growth. Based in Barichara, Colombia, she and her partner Joe Brewer travel globally to support bioregional efforts and are creating a learning center at their forest site, el Totumo. – Website

David Holmgren
Co-founder of Permaculture – Victoria, Australia
David Holmgren, co-originator of permaculture, has shaped the movement since co-authoring Permaculture One in 1978. Based at Melliodora, Australia, he practices and promotes sustainable living through influential works like Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability and RetroSuburbia. – Website

Dahr Jamail
Home Planet Fund – Alaska, USA, North America
Dahr Jamail, an award-winning journalist, is renowned for his unembedded reporting during the 2003 Iraq invasion, documented in Beyond the Green Zone. A recipient of the Martha Gellhorn Prize and the Izzy Award, he has written extensively on war, climate change, and global crises. His 2019 book, The End of Ice, reflects on the impact of climate disruption through his mountaineering experiences. Jamail continues to advocate for independent journalism and environmental awareness. – Wikipedia

Walter Jehne
Regenerate Earth – Australia
Walter Jehne is a renowned soil microbiologist and innovation strategist with expertise in soil microbes, plant root ecology, and regenerative bio-systems. With decades of experience at CSIRO, the UN, and globally, he specializes in soil carbon formation, hydrological cycles, and climate impacts. His recent work focuses on scaling bio-innovations to restore agro-ecosystems and urban agriculture to support the growing global population. – Website

Rafa Kalapa (Alan Rafael Seid)
Kalapa Wisdom School for Changemakers – Washington, USA, North America
Rafa, a bilingual and bicultural leader, has spent over 30 years teaching and coaching for harmony within ourselves, with others, and the Earth. Founder of the Kalapa Wisdom School for Changemakers, he offers workshops on nature-inspired best practices and essential collaboration skills to strengthen teamwork in Earth Repair projects. – Website

DeAnna L’am
‘Womb Visionary’, Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls – California, USA, North America
DeAnna, fondly known as the “Womb Visionary,” is a global expert in menstrual empowerment, with over 30 years of work empowering women in 30+ countries. Founder of Red Moon – School of Empowerment for Women & Girls, she helps women reclaim menstruation as a source of guidance and renewal. DeAnna also coaches mothers and trains women to create Red Tents, fostering community and empowerment. – Website, Instagram

Brad Lancaster
Rainwater Harvesting – Arizona, USA, North America
A specialist in permaculture and water harvesting, Brad has run a successful regenerative design business since 1993, focusing on sustainable landscapes and resource stewardship. Based in the Sonoran Desert, he harvests over 100,000 gallons of rainwater annually on his urban lot, transforming it into vibrant, shade-producing food forests. Through his Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond book series and NeighborhoodForesters.org, Brad empowers communities to regenerate ecosystems and turn resource consumption into resource generation. – Website

Rob de Laet
Author, European Climate Pact, University of Amsterdam – The Netherlands, Europe
Born in 1956, Dutch philosopher and former eco-tourism operator, focuses on protecting the Amazon and fostering an ecological civilization. Advocating for urgent reinvention to limit harm to Earth, they emphasize strategic interventions in unstable systems. Their vision includes projects like growing a “Great Green Wall” for the Amazon to restore rainfall, boost vegetation, and draw down carbon. – LinkedIn

Osprey Orielle Lake
Women’s Earth & Climate Action Network (WECAN) – California, USA, North America
Osprey founded and directs WECAN International, an organization that champions the leadership of women in climate justice and a socially equitable transition to clean energy. Co-leading global initiatives like the Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegations, Women’s Climate Action Agenda, and The Rights of Nature Tribunals, she has also authored several books and worked with leaders and policy-makers throughout the grassroots environmental movement. – Website

Rob Lewis
Writer, The Climate According to Life – Washington, USA, North America
Rob Lewis is a poet, writer, and activist dedicated to amplifying the voice of the more-than-human world. His work has appeared in publications like Resilience, Dark Mountain, and Atlanta Review, as well as anthologies such as Singing the Salmon Home and For the Love of Orcas. Author of The Silence of Vanishing Things, he writes about viewing the climate as a living system requiring healing through restraint and restoration. – Substack, Resilience.org

John D. Liu
Filmmaker, Founder of Ecosystem Restoration Communities – USA, North America
John D. Liu, a filmmaker and ecologist, founded Ecosystem Restoration Camps to advance large-scale ecosystem restoration globally. Through films like Hope in a Changing Climate and Green Gold, he demonstrates the potential of restoring degraded landscapes to address climate change and biodiversity loss. Liu also advocates for prioritizing ecosystems in global sustainability efforts. – Wikipedia, Website, YouTube

Penny Livingston
Regenerative Design Institute – California, USA, North America
Penny Livingston-Stark, an internationally recognized permaculture teacher and designer, holds a Master’s in Eco-Social Regeneration and three Diplomas in Permaculture Design. She co-founded multiple sustainability initiatives and co-created ecological design programs while studying directly with permaculture pioneers Bill Mollison and David Holmgren. Penny also co-manages the 17-acre Commonweal Garden in Bolinas, California. – Website

Alpha Lo
Physicist and Author, Climate Water Project – USA, North America
Alpha Lo, a physicist and permaculture educator, publishes the Climate Water Project newsletter and podcast, exploring the water cycle’s role in ecology and climate. His work focuses on soil hydration, groundwater replenishment, restoring rainfall, mitigating floods, and addressing climate change, alongside teaching water-related topics in Permaculture Design Courses. – Substack, LinkedIn

Rick Lukens
United Earth Networks – Washington, USA, North America
Richard Lukens is a producer specializing in concerts and festivals with causes like world peace, human rights, and environmental protection. A pioneer in communication technologies, he has simulcasted landmark events globally, bridging cultural divides. With connections to leaders, artists, and sponsors, Lukens creates transformative live experiences that foster understanding and connection. – Website

Ilarion Merculieff
Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways – Alaska, USA, North America
Kuuyux, an Unangan Elder and visionary, is the Founder & President of GCILL and Co-Founder of Wisdom Weavers of the World. Guided by a mission to share Indigenous wisdom, he carries the legacy of his traditional name, meaning “carrier of ancient knowledge.” In 2017, Kuuyux convened Indigenous Elders worldwide in Kauai, Hawaii, to address the state of the world and the actions needed, continuing to share their vital messages globally. – Website

Andrew Millison
Oregon State University – Oregon, USA, North America
Andrew Millison, a Permaculture educator since 1996, teaches at Oregon State University and specializes in climate resilience, water management, and sustainable development. With over 20 years of design experience, he focuses on rainwater harvesting, greywater systems, and large-scale Permaculture planning, sharing his expertise through teaching, media, and online education. – YouTube, OSU Profile, Website

Stephanie Mines
Neuroscientist, Climate Change & Consciousness Author – USA, North America
Dr. Stephanie Mines, neuroscientist and author, has dedicated over 30 years to researching trauma and resilience. Founder of The TARA Approach, she promotes regenerative health and leads Climate Change & Consciousness to inspire climate action. An award-winning poet, her 2023 works include The Secret of Resilience and The Great Physician. Dr. Mines provides tools for healing personal and planetary trauma. – Website

Jason Moore
Montana Co-op, Kids Co-op – Montana, USA, North America
Jason Moore is a seasoned furniture services professional with experience managing relocation projects and furniture installations in Toronto, Calgary, and Dallas/Ft. Worth. As part of InstallNET, North America’s largest office furniture installation network, he supports multi-location projects using proprietary software to coordinate over 1,000 jobs monthly. Based in Hot Springs, MT, Jason is also deeply involved in building thriving communities and strengthening the local food system. – LinkedIn

Zuzka Mulkerin
Researcher, Voices of Water – Slovakia, Europe and USA, North America
Zuzka, originally from Czechoslovakia and now based in New Jersey, merges her finance expertise with ecological advocacy. A collaborator with People and Water NGO and Biodiversity for a Livable Climate, she champions ecosystem-based water renewal and sustainable, community-driven solutions as a Laudato Sí animator and educator. – Instagram, Bio4Climate

Antonio Donato Nobre
Rivers Above the Canopy – Brazil, South America
Antonio Donato Nobre, a scientist at INPE and INPA, studies the Amazon’s role in global climate stability, focusing on its hydrology and biosphere-atmosphere interactions. His work highlights the forest’s delicate balance and the risks of human impact, as detailed in El Futuro Climático de la Amazonía. He advocates for sustainability and nature-inspired solutions. – LinkedIn, TedTalks

Jerome Osentowski
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute – Colorado, USA, North America
Jerome Osentowski, founder of the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, has over 30 years of experience designing greenhouses and teaching permaculture. Living in a passive solar home in Colorado, he hosts the world’s longest-running Permaculture Design Course. His book, The Forest Garden Greenhouse, highlights his work in sustainable systems and heritage fruit tree conservation. – Website, GERF Profile

Robert Patterson
The Growing Connection / EcoHuerto – Canada and Mexico, North America
Robert Patterson, with 30+ years at the UN/FAO, now promotes sustainable organic horticulture, helping communities grow fresh produce efficiently without motors or pumps. His global work emphasizes health, taste, and connection to nature, with workshops featuring hands-on planting, tastings, and global engagement to inspire food cultivation anywhere. – Website

Lora Pennington, tsi sq̓ʷal?alq̓ʷal
Stable Planet Alliance – Washington, USA, North America
Lora is an elder of the Upper Skagit Tribe and a teacher of the Lushootseed language and culture in the region around the Salish Sea. She works with young people to spread and preserve her tribal language and traditions and has been honored as an Indigenous cultural bridge. – Website

Didi Pershouse
Land and Leadership Initiative, Author, Ecology of Care – USA, North America
Didi Pershouse, founder of the Land and Leadership Initiative, is an author and educator focused on soil health, climate resilience, and regenerative leadership. Known for The Ecology of Care, she engages communities and policymakers globally to restore ecosystems and the soil sponge. Pershouse co-founded Rehydrate California and works to address societal challenges through collaboration with nature and sustainable land management. – Website

Precious Phiri
Savory Institute, Regeneration International – Zimbabwe, Africa
Precious Phiri, African Coordinator for Regeneration International and founding trustee of IGugu Trust, is a trainer in Holistic Management with 18 years of experience in regenerative agriculture and community organization. She supports global regenerative projects, contributes to networks like PELUM and AFSA, and teaches with Ecosystem Restoration Camps, advocating for solutions to poverty, desertification, and climate change. – Instagram, LinkedIn

Michael Pilarski
Friends of the Trees, Global Earth Repair Foundation – Washington, USA, North America
Michael Pilarski, farmer, wildcrafter, and educator, has worked with over 1,000 plant species and founded Friends of the Trees Society in 1978. With 35 years of experience in Permaculture, he has taught 34 design courses worldwide and promotes sustainable wildcrafting as a tool for earth repair and local resilience. Pilarski’s work integrates ethnobotany, agroforestry, and traditional land stewardship to restore ecosystems and increase natural abundance. – Website, GERF Profile

Mitch Rawlyk
Mitch.earth – Alberta, Canada, North America
Mitch Rawlyk is an earth systems and meteorological data scientist dedicated to nature-based regenerative solutions. As a farmer and advocate, he grows his family’s food at Moose’s Groovy Grove and helps others understand their climate to improve food production. Mitch develops AI frost prediction models, climate visualization tools, and collaborates with permaculture organizations as an educator, consultant, and researcher to promote regenerative practices globally. – Website, LinkedIn

Ryan Rising
Permaculture Action Network, Eco Social Design – California, USA, North America
Ryan Rising, a community organizer and permaculture educator based in the San Francisco Bay Area, co-founded the Permaculture Action Network and Gill Tract Community Farm. He has led over 93 Permaculture Action Days across the U.S., creating regenerative systems in community spaces. Ryan also consults for Ecosystem Restoration Camps, organizes urban commons, and teaches social permaculture and community organizing. – Instagram, Website

Libby Roderick
Turtle Island Records – Alaska, USA, North America
Libby Roderick, an acclaimed singer/songwriter and expert in facilitating difficult dialogues, directs the Difficult Dialogues Initiative at the University of Alaska and co-founded the Difficult Dialogues National Resource Center. Her workshops focus on equipping participants with strategies for engaging in critical conversations on divisive topics and developing transformative listening skills to foster understanding, connection, and healing in challenging times. – Website

Drew Ryan
Harmonic Hyphae – Washington, USA, North America
Drew Ryan, an experienced mycologist and founder of Harmonic Hyphae, focuses on medicinal mushrooms, herbal allies, and fostering harmony between humans and nature. With over a decade of expertise, Drew’s workshop explores the healing mechanisms of local and renowned medicinal mushrooms, their benefits for the Earth and our bodies, and the ethics of wildcrafting to stay in reciprocity with nature. – Instagram

Datu Lanelio Sangcoan
Tribes and Natures Defenders – Philippines
Datu Lanelio Sangcoan, founder of Tribes and Natures Defenders Inc., is an eco-warrior protecting indigenous tribes and biodiversity in the Philippine rainforests. He collaborates with tribes on regenerative agriculture and forest gardening while advocating for their rights, ancestral lands, and sustainable development. – LinkedIn, Website, GERF Profile

Rodger Savory
The Desert to Grassland Team – USA, North America and Africa
Rodger Savory, a rancher and Holistic Management specialist since 1987, has managed cattle ranches and wildlife properties across Africa, Canada, Australia, and the U.S. Known for pioneering the Biological Carpeting Method, he restores desertified lands while balancing profits with environmental and social responsibility. Born in Africa and a U.S. Army veteran, Rodger holds a degree from the University of New Mexico. – Website, Instagram

Jon Schull
EcoRestoration Alliance – New York, USA, North America
Dr. Jon Schull, founder of e-NABLE, is a biological psychologist, entrepreneur, and innovator. He created a global network providing free 3D-printed prosthetics to underserved communities. A former professor and inventor with 19 patents, Schull now applies his expertise to climate solutions, advocating for habitat restoration and community-driven action. – LinkedIn, Website

Tass Schwab
Church of the Earth Society – BC, Canada, North America
Tass Two Crows Flying, an eco-therapist, shaman, and spiritual counselor, helps individuals achieve deep healing and spiritual growth through reconnection with nature. Rooted in eco-spirituality and shamanic wisdom, Tass’s workshops explore Terrapsychology, viewing the psyche as intertwined with Earth, and Earth’s archetypes, linking landscapes to universal energies. Both sessions include rituals and reflective questions to deepen connection and understanding. – Website

Judith Schwartz
Author, The Reindeer Chronicles – Vermont, USA, North America
Judith D. Schwartz, an author and journalist, explores environmental, economic, and social challenges through stories that highlight solutions in natural systems. Her latest book, The Reindeer Chronicles, is a global journey of earth repair. With degrees from Brown, Columbia, and Northwestern, she writes for publications like The Guardian and Scientific American while living in Vermont, where she gardens, skis, and practices Uechi-Ryu karate. – Website, GERF Profile

Stefan Schwarzer
Climate & Landscapes Conference – Germany, Europe
Stefan Schwarzer, a physical geographer and permaculture designer with over 20 years at UNEP, bridges global environmental goals with local regenerative agriculture practices. Co-author of The Humus Revolution and co-founder of Aufbauende Landwirtschaft e.V., he advocates for climate-resilient, biodiverse, and socially just land use. Through conferences, webinars, and community support, Stefan fosters knowledge exchange and action in regenerative agriculture to address climate and land-use challenges. – Website

Jakob Shockey
Executive Director, Project Beaver – USA, North America
Jakob is a wildlife biologist, entrepreneur, and storyteller with over a decade of experience restoring habitats in Oregon’s waterways. An expert in mitigating beaver conflicts, he blends scientific rigor, community values, and optimism to advance habitat restoration. Jakob’s work is inspired by a deep connection to his rural roots in the Siskiyou Mountains and a commitment to resilient human and non-human ecosystems. – Website

Alex Slakie
Flora Northwest – Washington, USA, North America
Alex Slakie is a restoration ecologist, botanist, and herbalist specializing in willow coppicing, medicinal plants, and habitat restoration in the Pacific Northwest. With 17 years of experience, he integrates ecological restoration with social justice, seeking pathways to heal both the environment and communities. Alex also develops systems for fire mitigation using coppicing and biochar production while connecting people to the land through restoration and plant propagation. – Website

Jan Spencer
Suburban Permaculture – Oregon, USA, North America
Jan Spencer is an advocate of paradigm shift – moving past capitalism and the consumer culture. Paradigm shift is not the future, it is now. Jan has been transforming his 1/4 acre suburban property for 25 years. He has ongoing contact with many pioneers of a preferred future and writes about inspiring aspects of paradigm shift in the book he is writing, “A Primer For Paradigm Shift.” – Website

Howard Sprouse
The Remediators Incorporated – Washington, USA, North America
Howard, CEO of The Remediators Incorporated, brings over 20 years of expertise in bioremediation and restoration ecology. Pioneers in mycoremediation, The Remediators developed the Integrated Biological Approach, combining fungi, plants, and microbes to address mixed soil and water contaminants. Their innovative systems are recognized globally for advancing sustainable solutions to environmental restoration challenges. – Website, LinkedIn

Reishi Strauss
Rhythm Seed Farm, Earth & Spirit Botanicals – Oregon, USA, North America
Reishi Strauss, an herbalist and mycologist from the Appalachian Mountains, blends her Bastyr University training with a passion for connecting science and spirit. Her workshop, Stewarding Psilocybe Fungi, teaches propagation techniques for native Psilocybe species, including spore prints, mycelium transfer, and woodchip pasteurization, to support their growth as native entheogens in the PNW bioregion. – Website

Vijay Kumar Thallam
Andhra Pradesh Community-Managed Natural Farming – India, Asia
Vijay Thallam is the Executive Vice Chairman of Rythu Sadhikara Samstha and an advisor on agriculture to Andhra Pradesh’s government. With 37 years in government, he has led initiatives empowering 11.5 million rural women and championed climate-resilient, community-managed natural farming. He also served as Vice Chair (Productions) for the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021. – CIFOR-ICRAF, APCNF

Tim Visi
Sea Plants Solutions – Washington, USA, North America
Tim Visi, a marine biologist with decades of experience, began his career studying lemon sharks in the Bahamas and later served as a Marine Fisheries Observer for NMFS and NOAA. His lecture introduces proprietary Land-based Modular SSTC Systems—innovative, sustainable seaweed production systems that bioremediate thousands of gallons of acidified water daily while offering a new income-generating model. – Website

Zachary Weiss
Decolonizing Water, Water Stories, Elemental Ecosystems – Montana, USA, North America
Zach Weiss, the first Holzer Practitioner certified by Sepp Holzer, founded Elemental Ecosystems to restore watersheds and regenerate ecosystems globally. His firm specializes in water retention landscapes, agroforestry, aquaculture, and natural building, creating abundant, resilient systems across 19 countries and five continents. Zach’s approach blends systems thinking and ecological expertise to transform landscapes into thriving oases. – Website, GERF Profile, Instagram

Tuck Yates Tyrell
Salix Cooperative – Washington, USA, North America
Tuck, a restoration ecologist, applies a holistic and Gaian approach to cultivating resilient forests, meadows, and rivers, embracing animism and an earthen perspective. His talk weaves poetic science with Gaia Theory, exploring the relationships that sustain life—seashells and mountains, forests and rain, microbes and cooperation. Through stories of Earth’s interwoven systems, Tuck calls for radical participation in the unfolding creativity of our living planet. – LinkTree

Robin Tekwelus Youngblood
Church of the Earth – Washington, USA, North America
Robin Tekwelus Youngblood, Okanagon/Tsalagi, is a shamanic practitioner, teacher, and author who shares Indigenous wisdom through healing practices, workshops, and ceremonies worldwide. A founder of Grandmothers Circle the Earth, she promotes sustainable, earth-honoring lifestyles and teaches online shamanic courses. Robin authored Path of the White Wolf and travels globally to share her teachings. – Website, Facebook

Tiffany Y’vonne
Gather and Nourish – Washington, USA, North America
Tiffany is a relational activation designer with 20+ years of experience creating intentional spaces for connection and community well-being. Her practice-driven workshop focuses on developing relational skills to bridge divides, engage differing perspectives, and transform divisive encounters into opportunities for collaboration. Participants will explore communication strategies, practice empathy, and reflect on biases to foster mutual understanding and collective impact. – Website
We apologize to anyone we have left out. Let us know if you’ve been confirmed as a presenter but haven’t been yet included in this list, and we will let our web designers know immediately.
Do you have a story of great works for this planet, or critical information to share with our international delegation? Click here to apply as a presenter!