Global Drylands Library – Curated by Michael Pilarski
The Global Drylands Library (GDF) is an on-line bibliography of books on drylands focusing on sustainable use and ecological restoration. LibraryThing is the on-line platform. As of December 1, 2021 there are 206 books cataloged and a growing pile of new books to be added. All of the books catalogued are in our physical library which has been collected by Michael Pilarski since 1978. First under the aegis of Friends of the Trees Society and since 2019 under Global Earth Repair Foundation. I have sought out the best books I can find on the topic. This is my working library and I have read and researched in them extensively.
Here is the link to the library:
The online library is in its beginning stages. We have to write reviews, take photos of some covers and gradually expand its usefulness. We hope it will be useful to people in drylands around the world. Would anyone like to help me in this endeavor? Contact:
Michael Pilarski -|- [email protected]