Global Earth Repair Foundation November 8, 2019 Newsletter
Mission Statement “The mission of the Global Earth Repair Foundation is to educate the public about earth repair, ecosystem restoration, carbon sequestration, regenerative agriculture and related disciplines. This will be accomplished by writings, website, workshops and conferences. The organization works at local, regional, national and international levels. The Foundation is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed, mass movement to regreen our Earth and recarbonize our soils. “
The Global Earth Repair Foundation was incorporated as a Washington State non-profit corporation in January 2019 with an initial focus to put on the Global Earth Repair Conference held May 2-6, 2019. The Global Earth Repair (GERC) was a resounding success and the ripples we set in motion are still rippling out. Now that the conference has passed we are figuring out what our next steps will be. This newsletter contains updates on things currently in the works. We are seeking collaborators and management help. Your participation is invited. How would you like to help?
10644 Rhody Dr, Port Hadlock, WA 98339. (We are in the north half of the building). A 1,000 square-foot office at the Ness’s Corner Building on Highway 19 (locally known as Rhody Drive) at the junction with Highway 116 (to Marrowstone island). This will be a combined office for the Global Earth Repair Foundation and Friends of the Trees. We will use the office for meetings, educational workshops and library.
Office Hours:
Wednesday 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm. Every other week will be a film night. Schedule tba.
Saturday 10:00 to 5:00 pm.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (360) 643-9178
Facebook Page. Please share
Youtube Channel:
Many of the Conference workshops, panels and speakers were recorded. As of mid-August, 2019, we had 67 videos uploaded on our Youtube site from the conference and there were over 10,000 views. Thanks to Brendan McNamara the conference is continuing its work. Check out our amazing archive of videos!
Our new office space houses Friends of the Trees reference library. There are over 3,000 books with sizable sections on earth repair, ecosystem restoration, bio-engineering, native plants, soil building, regenerative agriculture, arid lands, ethnobotany, etc. This makes our office a great place for people to research and study earth repair, ecosystem restoration and the like. Books cannot be checked out. Luke Moran of the Olympic Peninsula Regenerative Agriculture Alliance (OPRAA) is also housing his substantial library of agriculture and nutrition books at our office so this will likely be the best agricultural library in the area.
Our first step is to make a short documentary (7 to 10 minutes) and use it in a crowdfunder to finance a longer documentary. It would include indigenous speakers; excerpts from keynote talks including John D. Liu, Charles Eisenstein. Precious Phiri and others with a balance of feminine and masculine voices; bits of workshops, circles, Trade Show, the Unexpected Brass Band, other highlights. We are looking for volunteers to watch 2 to 4 of the videos and select out some of the best bits. Contact us about what you’d like to watch or get an assignment.
Brendan McNamara has designed a new website and it will be up soon. The website is meant to serve as a hub for earth repair information: Events, Youtubes, Projects, People, GERF activities and Conference archives. The potential and the need are vast. Can anyone give webmaster, Chrys Ostrander and Brendan a hand on developing the site?
This conference is for South America will be held in December 2020 and the venue will be in the mountains of Chile. The conference will collaborate with the 14th International Permaculture Convergence happening in Argentina and also with the large Eclipse Festival which will be held in southern Argentina, not far from the border with Chile. Please send contacts of people who might be interested in assisting this GERC South America conference. Ercilia Sahores and Claudia Flisfisch Cortés who attended our 2019 GERC are leading the charge.
2021 in Zimbabwe. Precious Phiri is seeking help with contacts, promotion, fund-raising, etc.
* LOCAL EARTH REPAIR FORUM – North Olympic Peninsula
GERF would like to co-host a regional event this winter which would bring together groups and individuals working for earth repair, regenerative agriculture, ecosystem restoration and sustainability in the North Olympic Peninsula, Jefferson, Clallam and Kitsap Counties with representation from Whidbey Island and beyond. What needs restoration here? How can our localities and yards contribute to overall global earth repair and to carbon sequestration? What has been done and is currently underway? Brainstorm and discuss what more could be done. Look for ways for us to assist each other’s efforts. Strategize funding. A collaborative effort with Local 2020, other local/regional groups, tribes and government.
Here are three other local earth repair forums planned for 2020. Every region, locality and neighborhood could use a forum.
Wenatchee River Valley Earth Repair Forum. Leavenworth, WA.
Lummi Island Local Earth Repair Forum.
Spokane Local Earth Repair Forum

Friends of the Trees Society (FTS) is a small, grassroots non-profit which has been operating continually since 1978— forty-one years of service to the trees and to tree-lovers worldwide. Our work has touched several hundred thousand people so far. Founded and directed by Michael Pilarski ever since. Over the years I have been ably assisted by many office-managers, personal-assistants and interns. The number of volunteers is huge, especially if you include all the teams that helped me organize large events. A BIG Thank You to all of them. You know who you are. The Global Earth Repair Foundation is a continuation of my work. It will have new partners and hopefully will live long after I do.
* Beescaping. April 18-19, 2020. Carlton, WA (Methow Valley). Workshop by Michael Pilarski and Benjamin Pixie. Designing plantings to maximize nectar and pollen sources for honeybees and other pollinators.
* Medicinal Herb Micro-Farming. Spring, Summer and Fall. One-day workshops at our herb planting at Finnriver Farm, Chimacum, WA. Dates tba.
* Permaculture Design Courses are in the works for 2020.
One in Western Washington. Penny Livingston and Michael Pilarski.
One in Eastern Washington, Methow Valley. Instructed by Michael Pilarski and others.
Inquire for details.