We are working with Nature to Regenerate the Planet.
Global Earth Repair is about building a grass-roots, locally-managed restoration mass movement to re-green our planet and re-carbonize our soil. “Earth repair” is the act of restoring lands that have been devastated by human activity so that nature can get a foothold again, and we are gathering and growing that global movement. On May 3-5 2019 in Port Townsend Washington, we brought together over 600 people for three days of education, networking, and collective action – including 160 presenters and panelists that ranged from ecology experts to indigenous elders, permaculture gurus to environmental grief facilitators. Our focus is earth repair, ecosystem restoration and bioremediation. We believe that the quickest, most effective, most beautiful and most meaningful answer to the Climate Change and Ecosystem Collapse issues – and the political and economic issues our civilization is facing tailed in with those – is to restore this planet to full vital function.
Across the Earth, at the hands of thousands of nonprofit organizations and millions of people, habitats and biomes are being created and restored to health and resilience. We are aiding this movement through hosting conferences, workshops and classes, as well as producing educational content to spread the word to as many people as possible. By collaborating with some of the strongest voices in international ecosystem restoration and permaculture, we can deliver you and others the knowledge and practical skills needed to retain water, increase plant cover, green barren lands and restore the ecological functions of our landscapes. The Earth is one living body, and the various organs are out of repair. The visionaries and Earth Healers that gathered here lay out a beautiful story of change and hope – and real positive results we can *all* enjoy as soon as we start working on this!
Our Location/ Headquarters
10644 Rhody Dr.
Port Hadlock, Washington, United States
The Global Earth Repair Foundation shares an office with our sister organizations –
Friends of the Trees Botanicals
Friends of the Trees Society
This is our working office where a lot of organizing happens. We are generally not open to the public except when hosting educational workshops and event organizing meetings here. We are happy to meet with you by appointment! Fill out the contact form to connect. Also, check out our Event Calendar and we can connect at one of our events/ gatherings!
About the Reference Library:
Michael Pilarski “Skeeter” has an extensive library that he has been collecting for over 50 years! Books are not available to be checked out, reference only. Some are available for sale. He is happy to give book recommendation, he’s quite the book worm!
Article by the PT Leader- “Local farmer starts library focused on regenerative agriculture“
Books for Sale
Publications by Michael Pilarski are available for sale at this office or can be ordered online from his Etsy Shop.
He also sells a handful of some of his personal favorite/ highly recommended books on agriculture and medicinal plants.

The 2019 Global Earth Repair Conference Included:
- Over 150 presenters!
- Keynote talks by; John D. Liu, Precious Phiri, Dr. Thomas J. Goreau, Ilarion Merculieff, Charles Eisenstein, Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim and Grandmother Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance.
- Over 200 workshops, panels, round-table discussions, and working groups with experts in many fields of ecosystem restoration and social transformation.
- Field trips to successful earth repair projects on the Olympic Peninsula.
- 8 shoulder events before and after the conference including training intensives, movies, and lectures.
- Ceremony, music and art.
- Honoring the heroes & heroines of earth repair.
We are here to facilitate all workers and way-showers in repairing this living Earth, as the best way to solve the climate, ecosystem, economic and political problems we are now facing as a species. We will assist life to stabilize life and produce abundance for all the creatures of this planet – joining with the myriad of organizations everywhere working on this big task. Will you join us in helping to repair the Earth?