Grandmother Unci Rita Long – 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

Grandmother, Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance (aka Afraid-of-Bear) – Oglala Lakota attended our conference.
Rita is one of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. We had been planning for Grandmother Mona Polacca from Arizona to attend but she had to attend a memorial. Unci Rita was gracious enough to offer to take her place.
Here is what Mona wrote about Unci Rita:
“My apologies, that I cannot attend at this time.: I have to attend a memorial ceremony for a dear relative, who was also a wonderful supporter of the Grandmothers. So, Unci (Grandmother) Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance (AKA: Afraid of Bear) will attend in my place, she is Oglala Lakota from Pine Ridge, SD. She can do teachings about traditional practices of making offerings to Mother Earth, as well as doing prayers and her son Nathan can assist with singing Lakota ceremony songs.”

The Grandmothers are 93 and 94 respectively. They will be in wheelchairs but they are making the trek here because their hearts are so strong for Mother Earth and wanting to continue being a voice for her and for creation. We were honored to have them come and speak with us. They are tradition carriers passing down their wisdom for all people. The world could use a lot more listening to indigenous elders and tradition carriers like Grandmother Agnes and Grandmother Unci Rita. The conference was honored to help carry their message to more people.
Consider taking the time to watch the following short videos
of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.
Ancestral Voices – Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim
For the Next 7 Generations: The Grandmothers Speak (6:58)
(5:44) Our 13 Indigenous women elders, shamans and medicine women from around the world, have been called together to share their sacred wisdom and practices. Can they light the way for us to a peaceful and sustainable planet?
Origins of the 13 Grandmothers Council – by Jyoti
(12:05) The origins of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers as told by Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt), Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies and a co-convener of the Grandmothers Council.
13th Gathering of The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers in South Dakota
(4:57) Host Grandmother, Unci Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance-Oglala Lakota
Grandmother Bernadette’s Story
(3.57) Gabon Herbalist Grandmother.
There are many more if you search Youtube for International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.