Hannah Apricot Eckberg – Promoting Renewable Abundance

Organizations: Abundant Earth Foundation, Weaver Network, Permaculture Magazine
Hannah has studied permaculture and other regenerative practices for much of her life. Her passion to inspire others to do all they can on behalf of the planet has led to a career in environmental journalism and philanthropy.
She is the co-founder of Permaculture Magazine, North America and the Abundant Earth Foundation.
Mckinleyville, CA
United States
Website: http://AbundantEarthFoundation.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AbundantEarthFoundation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AbundantEarth2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abundant.earth.foundation/
Permaculture Magazine https://www.permaculture.co.uk/
Workshop 1: How to fund Earth Repair
Many of the regenerative projects that people seek to do are in need of funding. This workshop explored how we tap into conventional means of funding as well as more grassroots approaches to make sure the important projects we are working on have the financial and other forms of capital needed to be successful.
Workshop 2: Connecting the Weaver Network.
The more we know what we each are doing – who has what skills and passions – the more we can collaborate to repair the Earth! The Weaver Network was created just for that – a directory of people working to save the planet. Learn more and how you can be part of strengthening the network and weaving the web of life back together!