
John D. Liu – Restoring Damaged Ecosystems Worldwide

John Liu has lent his knowledge to countless ecological restoration efforts across the globe. In the numerous projects he’s been involved in, amazing and seemingly impossible things have happened. Through a combination of physics, chemistry and ecology we can see the pattern that has led to the degradation of ecosystems across the globe – specifically (but not limited to) the massive “highlighter mark” of degraded desert across the Middle East and Northern Africa. This pattern can be (and has been) reversed by a collective intention to turn the physics on its head – reducing evaporation and desiccation, restoring ground cover, re-carbonizing and re-hydrating soils. It is totally possible, if we work together, to help nature restore balance, geting to the other side of the thermodynamic breakdown and back to a regenerative climate cycle. Join us in welcoming John D. Liu to Wheeler Theater in Fort Worden, WA, for this part of this workshop that happened the day after the Global Earth Repair Conference closed. Hopefully you find the connections made here enlightening! To support John D. Liu and Ecosystem Restoration Camps worldwide, check out