Olga Speranskaya
Scientist for Chemical Safety Program at the Eco Accord Center – Russia

Olga Speranskaya is a Russian scientist and environmentalist. She has been the Director of the Chemical Safety Program at the Eco-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development in Moscow since 1997 and holds a master’s degree in Geophysics from Moscow State University, and a doctorate in Environmental physics from the Russian Academy of Sciences.
From 2010 to 2018, she was a co-chair of the International POPs Elimination Network. Speranskaya has led many campaigns against the use of organic pollutants, fought to ban the burial and transport of hazardous chemicals, and provided information to government decision-makers for policy changes in many different countries.

“As waste is more regarded as a valuable resource, more and more communities are involved in community-based waste management which is a step forward in social and economic development at micro level.“

She focuses on sustainable waste management, pollution sources, and domestic and international chemical safety processes. She has long term experience in science education and outreach, community engagement, team management and consulting on environmental issues related to international chemical conventions and SAICM. She works with countries on projects which are comprised of training and capacity-building for the implementation of chemical agreements, and with stakeholder groups on issues related to awareness and capacity-building on social, environmental and health justice, including civil society involvement in chemicals policy development and corporate accountability. She has given public lectures on “Toxic-Free Future: Health and Environmental Justice for Chemical Safety” and the role of activists within international arenas for political negotiation; toxic chemicals in the environment and consumer products; and the role of international organizations in preserving the global environment. She is an author of educational and training materials on environmental and health advocacy with the focus on women and chemicals.
“Toxics removal at the source, green design, clean technologies and extended producer’s responsibility are options that manufacturers must make available to consumers, to empower all of us to make the right, safe and environmentally sound choice for ourselves, our families and our communities.“
Publications: Research Gate
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OlgaSperansk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olga-speranskaya-1691a11a/
Video 1) 2009 Goldman Prize winner
Video 2) Champions of the Earth