Reviveolution Eco-Sanctuary

Reviveolution Eco-Sanctuary is based in a Q’ero indigenous community in high elevation near Huaran, Peru. I recently had the good fortune to meet Caroline Putnam, founder and director of Reviveolution, who is embedded in the community through marriage and she interprets for her father-in-law, Juan Gabriel Apaza Lonasco, who is a traditional elder who speaks to the world for his culture sharing traditional ceremony and wisdom. They sponsor retreats where visitors can experience one-on-one time with indigenous elders and experience lasting connection with nature. Courses, intercultural gatherings and service team opportunities are offered throughout the year. They support inner-city native mothers & indigenous families to share their weavings in global markets (including places outside of the U.S.) We are working towards representation from this indigenous culture at the Global Earth Repair Conference. Caroline writes “We are also open to doing online conferencing and sharing if for some reason international travel does not align for this first event.”

“We are based in the Huaran in the Sacred Valley of Peru. The Q’eros have begun making their diaspora down from their village at 15,000 feet- many now living in the big city of Cusco (like Juan Gabriel and his family.) so they can share their cultural heritage with the world, and to provide their kids with ‘better schooling and work opportunities’. My husband and I moved out to the farmland 1.5 hours outside of Cusco in the Sacred Valley. He is born and raised in the Q’ero Nation, and so was Juan Gabriel and his whole family. We are working to build an eco-center so members of the Q’ero Nation and other communities can gather and pass forth their wisdom in a more modern context.”