Two Literature Reviews by Michael Pilarski

The Restoration Economy: The Greatest New Growth Frontier: Immediate & Emerging Opportunities for Businesses, Communities & Investors. 2002. Author: Storm Cunningham. 340 pages. A great piece of work. Storm was probably the first person to point out that restoration was a trillion dollar industry. Some years later he announced that it had reached 2 trillion dollars. The value of all the volunteer communal work that goes on in places like Africa would add more to this total.

Revitalization – The Journal of Urban, Rural & Environmental Resilience: It’s the global source of news, research, and opportunities related to social, economic, and natural resources renewal. Storm Cunnigham, Publisher.
Revitalization magazine is chronicling the evolution of restoration worldwide in its many forms. Ecological restoration, community restoration, brownfield restoration, and more. This publication is aimed at policymakers. Very credible. You can read it online. I have been looking for lists of restoration projects online and Storm has a great one. Highly recommended to get an idea of the breadth of restoration going on around the planet.