Climate Solutions Film Series – March, April, and May Updates
Dear friends and Earth allies,
We are very pleased with the 120-person turnout for The Climate Restorers with directors John Bowey and Phoebe Barnhart on February 18. This was the 1st film showing of the Climate Solutions Film Series. We are excited to bring you the next three films!
March 17. Regenerating Life. This documentary film is about how to cool the planet, feed the world, and live happily ever after. Director John Feldman will join us by Zoom to answer questions afterwards.
April 7: Rivers Above the Canopy, reveals the role of forests in cooling and stabilizing the earth’s climate. We need to protect our forests and this film shows why.
May 26: Grassroots, Mass Movements for Earth Repair in Africa and India. A series of short films about large-scale successes.
All held at The Commons, Fort Worden, 210 Battery Way, Port Townsend
After the May film, the Film Series will take a hiatus for the growing season but will be back in November 2024 and continue to May, 2025 when we will host the 2nd Global Earth Repair Conference.
If you like to watch inspiring movies about climate solutions, you should check out the library of films on our Global Earth Repair Foundation website.
We will soon publish a list of an additional 89 films compiled from the 200 entries in our Global Earth Repair Hall of Fame. 200 inspiring stories from around the world.
We are busy searching the world for the best climate solutions, success stories, and films. Working to bring this information to the people of Port Townsend, Jefferson County, the Olympic Peninsula, and the world.
– Michael Pilarski
This film series brought to you by United Earth Networks, Local 2020, and Global Earth Repair Foundation. Financial sponsors are welcomed. RSVP on our Facebook Event: