Dammed To Extinction – Documentary Film Special Conference Showing May 4th
Extinction is forever.
This film is shown as a part of our Dam Removal and River Restoration Track. This is one of the first public showings of a just-completed film, Dammed To Extinction, a film by Peterson Hawley Productions. Film Director, Steven Hawley, will be on hand to introduce the film and answer questions, along with cast members Carrie Schuster and Jim Waddell.
For centuries, three unique pods of orcas have hunted chinook salmon along the northwestern Pacific coast. Yet wild chinook salmon here are increasingly scarce. The orcas are going hungry, their numbers dwindling along with their primary source of food. Extinction looms for both species…
Save Orcas, Salmon and Money…
Four obsolete dams choke off access to thousands of miles of rivers. Removing these dams will save money, salmon and orcas. Watch the trailer below.
“this is going to be a good one”
About this new documentary film, I found this breif Instagram video where this was quoted; “this is going to be a good one” says Howard Garrett, founder of the Orca Network.
In the making for 4 years, its time to launch and what a great place for it at our Global Earth Repair Conference.
Watch this Trailer:
Sneak Preview 3:45pm Sat. May 4th, 2019
Doors open at 3:15 pm.
Wheeler Theater – Fort Worden Port Townsend
$10 general public – Included for the first 60 registered Global Earth Repair Conference participants. Buy tickets online here.
With only 74 Southern Resident Orcas left, and starvation looming for them, this films timely message on how to save them is urgently needed. The 4 obsolete dams in Eastern Washington choke off access to thousands of miles of rivers. Removing these dams will save money, salmon and orcas.
Elizabeth M. Dunne, Esq, one of Nature’s Rights Presenters, recently assisted in drafting the People’s Recommendation 74 which recognizes that the Southern Resident Orcas have an inherent right to life, including to their naturally occurring food source – Chinook from the Snake River, and the Declaration of the Rights of the Southern Resident Orcas which proclaims the inherent rights of the Orca and the ecosystems upon which they depend.

Some touching images I found on Instagram about these last and well loved, well known Orcas:
Follow Dammed To Extinction on Instagram …
and here is their Facebook page.

Join Our Audience Discussion
The filmmaker, Steve Hawley, and some of the film’s featured cast, including Carrie Chapman Schuster and Jim Waddell, are expected at the event for audience discussion. More information and a trailer can be viewed at http://www.dammedtoextinction.com/
The Port Townsend premier of this important new film will be a special showing, as part of the Global Earth Repair Conference at Ft. Worden. Doors open at 3:15 pm. General admission seating is not reserved and seating is limited. VIP package includes reserved seating at the film, followed by a BBQ Dinner after the film. The dinner starts at 5:30 pm at the Ft. Worden Beach Shelter with the producer and some cast members. Address for the Beach Shelter is 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend. Discover Pass required for parking near shelter. For more information, e-mail here.
Dammed To Extinction Poster for GERC

Join More Water Restoration Workshops, Events & Field Trips at the Conference
- Dam Removal and River Restoration Tracks
- River Restoration Field Trips May 2nd
- Be sure to watch the Panel discussion on Communication with Nature’s Intelligence (Live Streaming on our YouTube channel).
- Workshop discussion on benefits to salmon, orcas, tribal rights and more from breaching dams …
Workshop: Saving Salmon, Orcas, Tribal Treaty Rights and More by Breaching the 4 Lower Snake River Dams by Debra Ellers
Debra Ellers co-founded the orca advocacy group North Olympic Orca Pod. Regionally, Debra has attended many orca advocacy events and presented workshops about the importance of breaching the 4 Lower Snake River Dams to save salmon, orcas and more. Be sure to read about Debra Ellers’s workshop and all the Orca and Ocean Protection river restoration pages on this Global Earth Repair site.