Earth Repair Outreach In More Languages – Who Do You Stand For?

Who do you stand for?
Tell us. We need your help…
There is an old saying, “They wear their heart on their sleeve”.
The meaning is something like ‘it is obvious that they have a loving heart’. That is what we are asking you to do at the conference. Let’s all shine our love for Planet Earth. We are putting our love into action for Earth care.
Wear Your Heart on Your Name Tag
Besides wearing your heart on your sleeve at the conference, we are inviting you to wear your heart on your name tag as well. We are leaving a little section on one side of the name tag for you to write down your favorite species that you’d like to speak for and stick up for.
On the other side is a space for you to write down the particular countries, regions, cultures or tribes that you would like to look out for their interests.
Two love lists, one for species and one for peoples
Doing so is bound to spark a lot of conversation and beneficial connections. It is up to you as to what you want to put on your card or nothing at all.
Earth Repair Outreach in Other Languages
What languages do you speak?
We are putting out a request for conference participants who are speakers of other languages to give a short video interview at the conference. A description of the conference in their language, addressed to other speakers of that language. We will put the collection in a special section on our internet platforms, website, YouTube channel and social to publicize it.
We will have numerous Spanish speakers, some French, German, Hungarian, Portuguese, Korean, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and many others. There will be indigenous languages as well, Q’ero, Lakota, S’Klallam, Makah, Saanich, Unangan and more indigenous languages from around the world.
Earth Prayers to Reach More People with Conference Ethos and Call to Action
This will allow the conference ethos, content and call to action to reach more people who don’t speak English. Everyone is invited to suggest in their interview that earth repair conference(s) be held for that language group. Just putting the idea out there in that language and sending a prayer with it, helps set up a vibratory pattern to draw it into manifestation.
Earth Repair Outreach In More Languages
We envision for Earth Repair Outreach In more languages.