Timor, Permaculture and Ego Lemos

How many of you readers know where the country of Timor is?
Timor is a country in the Indonesian Archipelago which won a war of independence from Indonesia in 2002. After the war the country was in ruins and much of its population killed. Shortly thereafter, a small group of permaculturists from Australia showed up and their efforts helped rebuild food production in Timor. The result of this 10-year+ effort turned into the Tropical Permaculture Guidebook, published in 2018. It comprises 1,111 pages in three volumes. Since most people in Timor couldn’t read, the book is profusely illustrated with lots of line drawings. Practical experience from over a decade of working on the island of Timor. Chapter 15 on Trees is 71 pages. This book will be useful anywhere in the tropics.
Wow! You can download all three volumes by donation. They want this information to be accessible by the world.
I have been in touch with Lachlan McKenzie, one of the principal people involved in all this and he wants to connect to the Global Earth Repair Conference via Zoom. One of the main people in this is Ego Lemos, a Timorese permaculturist and musician.
So we are bringing Timor to the Global Earth Repair Conference via Zoom. In preparation here is a Youtube of Lachlan McKenzie, John Champagne, Ego Lemos, David Holmgen (co-founder of permaculture) and Costa Georgiadis in conversation about the Tropical Permaculture Guidebook. Listen to the insects in the background! This is a location in the world where the insects haven’t died out yet.
Here is a Youtube of Ego Lemos and his music from Timor. The words aren’t in English, but I think you will enjoy it.